Awards & Recognition

IEEE Young Professionals STEP Funding
Received for “Circuitry”, a two-day event being conducted by Power and Energy Society (PES) of IEEE – VBIT SB in collaboration with IEEE Hyderabad Section Young Professionals – Affinity Group.

IEEE Pre-University STEM Portal Grant Program 2024
Awarded for showing great creativity and innovation in STEM outreach through our event “WiEducate 2.0”, organized under WiE Affinity Group of IEEE – VBIT SB.

IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Young Professional Achievement Award
Mr. Vamsi Krishna Jadala received IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Young Professional Achievement Award” in the year 2019.

Upsilon - Pi - Epsilon
Ms. Rashmita Varma of CSE department has won ‘Upsilon Pi Epsilon’ award in the year 2019.

IEEE R10 Website Contest
2nd Position in “IEEE R10 Website Contest’’ for the year 2017.

Upsilon - Pi - Epsilon
Mr. Yashwanth Siripragada of CSE department has won ‘Upsilon Pi Epsilon’ award in the year 2016.

Richard E - Merwin Student Scholarship Award
Ms. Akshita Gulati of IT Department received “Richard E Merwin Student Scholarship Award” in the year 2015.

2014 – 15
IEEE Exemplary Student Branch Award
Received “IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award’’ for the year 2014 – 15.

WIE Student Branch Affinity Group of the Year Award
WIE – AG, IEEE – VBIT SB won “The 2015 WIE Student Branch Affinity Group of the year award.

Richard E - Merwin Student Scholarship Award
Mr. karthik siddawaram received “Richard E Merwin Student Scholarship Award” in the year 2013.

Darrel Chong Gold Student Activity Award
Received Darrel Chong Gold Student Activity Award’’ for the year 2011.

Richard E - Merwin Student Scholarship Award
Mr. Chaitanya Kumar Setty received “Richard E Merwin Student Scholarship Award” in the year 2010.

Larry K. Wilson Student Activities Award
Mr. Karthik Siddawaram received Larry K. Wilson Student Activities Award” in the year 2013.

2009 – 10
IEEE Vibrant Student Branch Award
Received “IEEE Vibrant Student Branch Award’’ for the year 2009 – 10.